Patricia Scannapieco

I started as a Senior Project Manager with the CLI Germany since February 2011. Beeing responsible for the overall management of the international educational programs within the Collective Leadership Institute. Furthermore I am developing a strategy for the diversification of international participants and networks for the capacity building programs. During my employment at GIZ (formerly InWEnt) I have gained profound experience in implementing different types of capacity building programs as a project coordinator. I count on more than 7 years’ working experiences in project design, management, organization and realization of different types of training programs, in the didactic of adult learning methods, organizing and conducting international workshops and conferences for experts and leaders, held in Germany and abroad. On behalf of the formerly GTZ-Zambia I designed and conducted various capacity building programs in the field of water management, agriculture and good governance. For example, jointly with the Governance Secretariat under the Ministry of Justice and GTZ-Zambia we designed and moderated a 7-months blended learning training ‘Governance Assessment in Zambia’. I am a Geographer from profession with an emphasis on development cooperation, water resources, land tenure, environmental protection and sustainable development.